Craft Mobile Benefits of heat networks

Benefits of heat networks

Heat networks offer a better way to provide heating and hot water to residents and businesses in an area or city.

Customers on a heat network benefit from:

  • All-inclusive service – As the sole heat supplier for your development, we provide a comprehensive heating and hot water service at a fair price. All maintenance, servicing, and where necessary, replacement of your HIU and/or heat meter is included.
  • Better air quality – By avoiding the need for gas boilers, there’s no need to burn fossil fuels in homes. This means better air quality for everyone, helping to clean up our cities and provide a better environment for our communities.
  • Dedicated monitoring and support – Because we’re responsible for the whole network, our engineers monitor the network to make sure we keep the heat network running at its best. We’re always looking at how to improve our network so we can keep providing a great service to our customers.
  • Future-proofed energy system – UK homes are being encouraged to move to low carbon heating. Buildings that currently use fossil fuels for heating, such as a gas boiler, will need to replace their systems to meet government targets. Soon, gas boilers simply won’t be allowed. On a heat network, you’ll never have to worry about this because we’ll always make sure the heat network meets the latest carbon and environmental standards for heating, often even exceeding these standards.
  • Expert customer care – Meeting your needs and providing you with the best care is our number one priority, backed by our Guaranteed Standards of Service. If you need extra help, we have an Extra Care service designed to make sure we can provide you with the right care.