Craft Mobile Welcome

Guaranteed Standards of Service

Our Guaranteed Standards of Service for residential customers

We pledge to provide your heating and hot water reliably at all times. In the UK, we do not provide electricity directly to homes or businesses.

To assure you of our consistent service quality, we created this list of guaranteed standards we promise to maintain. If we ever fall below one of these standards, we’ll pay you for it. If you are a business customer, please refer to your heat supply agreement.

1. Planned interruptions to your heating supply

To keep our heat network running smoothly, we sometimes need to carry out essential maintenance work that temporarily interrupts your heat and hot water supply. When this is required, we’ll always give you at least five days’ notice in writing. We’ll also let you know the reason for the interruption, how long we expect it to last and when your heat will be restored.

  • If we don’t give you five days’ written notice of a planned interruption, we’ll give you a one-off Guaranteed Service Payment of £10.

We’ll also make sure that any planned interruption to your heating supply doesn’t last longer than five days.

  • If a planned interruption does exceed five days, we’ll pay you £45 for each 24-hour period that you’re without heating – up to £725.

2. Complete loss of heating and / or hot water

If you’re without heating and / or hot water and weren’t given advance notice of planned maintenance, we’ll aim to fully restore your supply within 24 hours of your first notification to us.

  • If we can’t restore your heating supply within 24 hours, we’ll give you with a Guaranteed Service Payment of £45 for each 24-hour period that you’re without heating or hot water – up to £725.

3. Responding to emergencies

If there’s an emergency, we’ll send an engineer on site within four hours. We define an emergency as a situation where there’s a risk of injury to life and/or severe property damage.

4. Multiple interruptions to your heating and hot water supply

We’ll make every effort to ensure unplanned interruptions to your heating and hot water are kept to a minimum. If you experience four or more unplanned interruptions in a 12-month period, where you have a total loss of heating and/or hot water lasting longer than 12 hours, we’ll compensate you each time for our service failure with a Guaranteed Service Payment of £80. This applies every year.

5. All other issues not affecting your heating or hot water supply

We’ll respond to all other non-urgent issues (where your heating and hot water supply isn’t interrupted) within seven days. This could include account and payment queries, and reports of inaccurate meter readings. Our response will always include details of the action we’ll take to put things right and how long that will take.

  • If we don’t respond within seven days, we’ll give you a one-off Guaranteed Service Payment of £10.

6. Maintaining appointments

We’ll always try and keep every appointment we make with you. If for any reason we need to change that appointment, we’ll give you at least 24 hours’ notice.

  • If we don’t give you 24 hours’ notice to cancel or change an appointment, or fail to attend it, we’ll give you a one-off Guaranteed Service Payment of £10.

7. Guaranteed standards for Extra Care customers

If you are a vulnerable customer, you should make sure we know that so that we can put you on our Priority Services Register, known as Extra Care. If, as a registered Extra Care customer, you experience a complete loss of heating during a planned or unplanned interruption that lasts longer than 12 hours, we’ll provide you with temporary heating. If we don’t do this, we’ll give you a Guaranteed Service Payment of £35 any time that happens. That payment will be in addition to any other payment you’re due to receive.

Claiming Guaranteed Service Payments

If you’re eligible to receive a Guaranteed Service Payment, please submit a claim to our Customer Care team. You must make your claim within three months of the service failure. If approved, any Guaranteed Service payment due will be credited to your heat account within 31 days.

Exclusions to providing Guaranteed Service Payments

If the circumstances are out of our control, there are some situations when you won’t receive a Guaranteed Service Payment. For example:

  • If the fault was caused by you deliberately damaging or interfering with the heat network equipment.
  • If the fault was caused by equipment that we’re not responsible for.
  • If the main power supply needed to run the equipment in our energy centre is disrupted.
  • If the service interruption was due to extreme weather conditions.
  • If you’ve agreed with an action we’ve taken and are happy not to receive a Guaranteed Service payment.
  • If you’re not a named customer on a heat account with us and have not signed Heat Supply Agreement.