Extra Care for Vattenfall customers
To give you the best service we can, we always try to tailor our service to suit individual needs. We also understand that your circumstances can change over time. If you need extra support or have special requirements, you may be eligible for Extra Care.
Our Extra Care services and Priority Services Register ensure that customers with additional requirements receive extra support from us. Additional requirements that may qualify you to join our Priority Services Register include communication needs, such as requiring large font documents if you're visually impaired. Or, you may be in a vulnerable situation and at higher risk if there was an interruption in your heat supply due, for example, to a medical condition.
If you feel you could benefit from being on our Priority Services Register, please complete our online contact form, choosing ’Priority Services Register’ as the subject, or contact our Customer Care team who will be happy to help.
Some of the services we provide to customers registered for Extra Care include:
- Personal password: We can agree a password so you can be sure that if we, or our selected partners, need to send a technician to your home you can verify their identity. All technicians also carry ID.
- Alternative heat bill nominee: You can nominate a relative or friend to manage your account on your behalf. You can also give us the authority to contact them on your behalf.
- Accessible communications: We’ll make all reasonable efforts to ensure our bills are clear and readable.
- Alternative heating during outages: If a planned or unplanned outage exceeds 12 hours, we’ll provide alternative heating. We’ll never suspend our heat supply to that property during the winter heating season.