Craft Mobile Complaints


If we’ve disappointed you

Our aim is to always provide you with excellent service. However, we know things can sometimes go wrong, or there might be something you’re not happy with, or you feel we’ve let you down.

If anything like that should happen, we make it quick and easy for you to contact us so we can put things right as quickly as possible. We take every complaint very seriously and are committed to resolving each complaint to your total satisfaction. We also want to learn from any mistakes to help us improve what we do.

Step 1

If you’re unhappy with us, for whatever reason, the first step is to let us know. Often, we can resolve this over the phone. Here’s how you can raise a complaint with us:

Contact us on via:


You can also raise complaints at our quarterly engagement sessions, which are held nearby.

We aim to fully resolve or agree a solution to your complaint at the first point of contact. If we can’t do this, we’ll complete our investigations and contact you within 10 working days.

If you contact us by email or by letter, we may try to phone you to discuss the issue as we find this often brings a quicker resolution for customers. However, if you prefer that we deal with your complaint in writing, we will do that.

Step 2

We hope that we will have resolved the complaint to your satisfaction, but if you remain unhappy please let us know and we’ll escalate your complaint to a senior manager.

Our senior manager will review your complaint and how it was managed. They will share their assessment and whether they view the resolution originally put forward was fair and reasonable. Our aim is to provide this assessment, including any adjustment to the original resolution within 10 working days, but if we need longer we’ll keep you informed and updated.

If after the review you’re still unhappy, or if eight weeks have passed from the date you originally raised the complaint, you can ask for a deadlock letter. This letter will provide an overview of the complaint, the steps we have taken to resolve the complaint and the final resolution we have offered. With a deadlock letter, you can refer the complaint to the independent Energy Ombudsman.

Step 3

The Energy Ombudsman is an independent dispute resolution service. As an independent body, their aim is to help resolve complaints between companies and their customers. This service is completely free for customers to access.

The Energy Ombudsman will look at all the details of the complaint, including how we have responded and managed the complaint, and the resolution we have put forward to you. Based on the information and data provided to them, they will assess whether we have responded to your complaint and issue their decision. If you are happy with their decision, we are required to implement all recommendations in their decision.

Please note that the Energy Ombudsman will investigate complaints once they are been through our internal complaints process first.

For further information please visit

The Energy Ombudsman can be contacted by:

Telephone : 0330 440 1624

Phone lines are open: Monday to Friday: 8am - 8pm, Saturday: 9am - 1pm, Sunday: Closed
