Terms and conditions
Vattenfall is the sole heating and hot water provider for your development. Our terms and conditions are set out in a Heat Supply Agreement. This is a contract that sets out the services we provide to you and the responsibilities we have to maintain and operate the heat network. It also sets out the responsibilities you have to pay your heat charges, and to provide access that allows us to service our equipment and keep your internal heating system well maintained.
You need to sign your heat supply agreement before moving into your property. If you haven’t, please call us for free on 0808 143 3633 or email us at hello@heat-customers.vattenfall.co.uk. If you start using the heat supply without signing your heat supply agreement, you will legally have “accepted” our terms of service.
Here is an overview of the key terms in our residential heat supply agreement
Length of this agreement
The agreement begins on the date shown at the top of the agreement or the date on which you first receive the energy services from us, whichever is earlier. It will end when you move out of your home and another person signs a heat supply agreement with us, or in line with clause.
Clause 1
Moving home
If you are moving home, you must tell us and fill in a moving-out form. If you do not tell us you are moving out, you will still be liable for the charges even after you have moved out.
Clause 2
What we are responsible for
We are responsible for all services and maintenance from the energy centre up to and including the heat interface unit and heat meter.
We are not responsible for any services or maintenance from the heat interface unit into your home, such as any services or maintenance relating to radiators, thermostats, taps and central-heating pipework. For example, if the battery of your thermostat runs out, we are not responsible for providing a new one.
Clauses 1 and 6
You must tell us if you plan to rent or sublet your home. We will need to sign a heat supply agreement with your tenant. Please note that this agreement will not be suspended if you rent or sublet your home and you will still be responsible for paying the charges if your tenant does not enter into a contract with us. This is the case even if you have told us that you are moving out of your home and that the tenant should be responsible for the charges.
Clause 2
Billing, payment and non-payment of bills
Unless you have a pay-as-you-go meter, you must pay for the energy services by monthly direct debit. Any references to direct debit in the agreement is to a variable direct debit. This means that you pay for the exact amount of energy you have used in a month. The amount of the direct debit payment may change each month.
The amount you pay each month is made up of a usage charge and a fixed charge.
The usage charge pays for the energy that you use. This will vary depending on how much energy you use.
The fixed charge is a charge we make to cover the cost of running our systems. You have to pay the fixed charge each month whether or not you use any energy. It does not vary depending on how much energy you use.
If you have a pay-as-you-go meter, you will pay for the energy services upfront.
If you have any difficulty paying your bills, please contact us as soon as possible.
If you do not pay for the energy services, we may take action which can include suspending or disconnecting the supply to your property.
Clause 3
Tenants of social housing providers
If your landlord is a local authority or housing association, you and your landlord will both pay part of the fixed charge for the energy services to your home. We will only charge you for your share of the fixed charge. If you want any more information please see your Welcome Pack.
Clause 3
Changes to our charges
We will review our charges at least once a year but not more than once every six months. If we make any changes following our review, we will give you 31 days’ written notice.
Clause 3
Access and emergencies
We will give you 48 hours’ notice if we need to come into your home to carry out planned maintenance. This does not apply if we need to enter your home in an emergency.
Clause 8
Suspending the energy services
There are certain circumstances where we can suspend or disconnect your energy services. This includes if you have not paid the charges or in an emergency.
Clause 4
Our liability limits
The maximum liability we have to you for any money we owe you under this agreement is £10,000.
Clause 14
Using your personal information
We may use your personal information to identify you when you contact us, for example when you call us, so that we can manage your account effectively, provide support that is specific to you, and manage the quality of the service we provide to you. We may share this information with your landlord (if you have one) or the management company for the development.
Clause 13